History and Geography Website Directory
The Roman Empire
Everything you need to know about the Roman Empire. Emperor Chronology, interactive maps, pictures, and so much more...
The EMuseum takes you from interesting information such as Old World Prehistory, to Bio-Anthropology, to World Issues.
History of Russia
With the dissolution of the Soviet Union there has been an enormous resurgence of interest in Russia's pre-Soviet past, as well as a great deal of debate and reconsideration of the Soviet era itself. This site takes you through the history of Russia.
The European Enlightenment
Browse the contents of the European Enlightenment, the resources, and discuss what you have learned with others!
United States Flags of the States and Territories
Links will take you to a page for each flag which includes a picture of the flag and the description as well sizes available and prices. We use a shopping cart system aid in ordering your selections.
3-D Atlas
3D Atlas Online is your ultimate geographic resource! Browse through the best research links for every country, plus timely world news, the coolest free downloads, and our own Geographic Glossary.
Perry-Castaņeda Library Map Collection
Links to maps of The World, Africa, The Americas, Asia, Australia and the Pacific, Europe, The Middle East, Polar Regions and Oceans, Russia and the Former Soviet Republics, plus more than 700 maps of The United States.
American History
Detailed accounts of American history; including various topics, such as: Women's Sufferage, the African American History, the Oneida Indian Nation, and the Salem Witch Trials.
Tour the Titanic
This site offers a guided tour through the floor plans and photos from the famous ship. Very cool.
U.S. Politics & History at All American!
Welcome to U.S. Politics and History at All American! This is a place where you'll find the founding documents of the United States, Information on Past Presidents, Government Links, and much more.
Geography as a Social Science
This site covers everthing from census data, cultural information, economic statistics, and more.
U.S. Geological Survey
This site covers geography, along with the earth sciences.
Local Times Around the World
Pick a place, find out the time! Very slick, especially for travellers!
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